Kim Finch Cook & Company CXO Recruiter

Confidential C-Level Search Inquiries (206) 890-4817

Kim Finch Cook & Company Executive Recruiters perform searches for the following C-suite positions:

CEO (chief executive officer)
COO (chief operating officer)
CFO (chief financial officer)
CTO (chief technology officer)
CMO (chief marketing officer)
CSO (chief strategy officer)
CCO (chief content officer)
CCO (chief compliance officer)
CIO (chief information officer)
CSO (chief security officer)
CDO (chief data officer)
CVO (chief visionary officer)
CXO (chief whatever officer)

How to Pick a Great CEO Recruiter Without Wasting Both Time and Money

The CEO recruiter’s success often hinges on successfully headhunting the perfect candidate quietly.  If you need corporate search for a C-level or VP-level executive, look for a recruiter that has the following:

  • History of finding the right candidates that are successful and happy at their current jobs, and not just those responding to advertisements. On average, 95% of the candidates we submit to employers are not in the market looking for a job.
  • Extensive contact networks. Sorry, LinkedIn and Facebook don’t count. Our recruiting team has personally interviewed many thousands of candidates and then follow up with them on our proprietary database.  We know where many of the gems are. We also have met our share of duds who look good on paper. We won’t waste your time on them.
  • Years of experience in selling candidates on an opportunity without telling them the name of the company first. This isn’t as easy as it sounds. Our confidential searches remain confidential.
  • An outstanding record of placement retention. Since 1993, our retention rate is 99% (IPO’s & startups excluded).  You can’t afford the opportunity costs of the wrong hire at that level. That’s why our clients continually depend on us for the right fit the first time.

In the market for a high level confidential executive search? Call us at (206) 890-4817.